Hoarse Voice in Adults
Non-Infectious Sore Throats in Adults
Nasal Blockage / Discharge +/- Facial Pain in Adults
Children with Hearing Problems
Discharging Ear Management
Management of Ear…
Here are some of our most frequently requested contact email addresses
Reference requests
Please send requests for references for former CHFT employees to ask.hr@cht.nhs.uk
Accessing your…
This directory has been made available for reference to Calderdale's referral process, this list is to be used by GP’s and other Healthcare Providers to refer and send secure communication to…
Modern Slavery Statement
Audit and Risk Committee Terms of Reference
Standing Orders of the Council of Governors
Standing Orders of the Board of Directors
Constitution of the Trust
The Clinical Education Team here at CHFT aims to support and empower both the current (post-graduates) and the future (pre-registration) workforce to ensure staff are equipped with the necessary…
Huddersfield Royal Infirmary is situated in the village of Lindley. There are a number of local amenities, such as supermarket, shops, bars, restaurants, post office and public transport are…
Religion in Huddersfield
Huddersfield is a vibrant multi-cultural community, with a higher proportion of individuals from ethnic minorities than most other towns and cities in the UK:…
Huddersfield Royal Infirmary – Located approximately 3 miles from Huddersfield town centre and with good public transport links, Huddersfield Royal Infirmary opened its doors in 1955. Since then,…
The local area has a variety of housing options both on a permanent and rental basis. All CHFT sites benefit from locations with housing both new and old with the average house price In…
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