Roy Abraham Ranadeb Acharyya Jeena Ackroyd Qazi Ahmad Fraz Ahmed William Ainslie Khaled Al-Zwae George Amin Sudhi Ankarath
Adeel Aqil Helen Armstrong
Pedro Ballester Rituparna…
What do I need to use video consultations
You will need:
A device with a camera, speaker and microphone (these are usually built into your smartphone, tablet, or laptop) A supported web…
General Information
Telephone appointments
Appointments using Microsoft Teams
Appointments using Andor
Using a smart device
Using a desktop computer or laptop
Using a smart device
EEG Guidance
EMG/NCS Guidance
There are six clinical physiologists who are highly trained and experienced within the field of neurophysiology. Clinical…
Palliative care is the active total care of patients whose disease no longer responds to curative treatment.
The Specialist Palliative Care team in CHFT provides advice and support to hospital…
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