You can access our patient information leaflets using the button below.
Breastfeeding mums are very welcome across the whole of our Trust. If you need private facilities please ask a member…
Mask wearing and helping prevent the spread of infection
Whilst masks are no longer required in our hospitals and health centres, we will still provide them should you wish to wear one. …
Experts by Experience and Patient Safety Partners
We are seeking volunteers to join our Trust to strengthen how we can hear and use your feedback. These volunteers will be known as Experts by…
NHS / SJA Cadets
Project Search Calderdale
This is the place where you can find out about the range of our…
The Workforce Benefits Service provides advice, support and information for colleagues across the Trust in relation to work life balance and employee benefits. We administer all applications for…
Request to receive more information as an applicant
Request to be a Stand Holder
Next Event
Saturday 12 October 2024
Venue: Huddersfield Royal Infirmary, Learning Centre, Sub Basement
Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking
Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement
Modern Day Slavery is a violation of a person’s human rights and is a global issue and…
Leadership Framework
Leadership Framework
It's not just about building hospitals
Our Values and Behaviours
Our values will be at the heart of everything we do and how we treat each other. They…
Coping with fatigue (tiredness)
What to do after cancer treatment ends
Bone health
Side effects of cancer treatment
Cancer and genetics – how cancer sometimes runs in families
Life after cancer…
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