Who is this service for?

This service is available to all adults (over the age of 18) who are struggling to cope with their breathing condition, or have issues arising because of their breathing condition. If your difficulties are not related to your breathing condition we may be able to help you to access another source of support for these issues.

The types of difficulties we can help with at CHFT include:

  • Low mood, anxiety and stress associated with illness and treatment
  • Coping with uncertainty about future health and treatment
  • Managing symptoms more effectively such as frightening breathlessness leading to anxiety, panic attacks and frequent A & E attendances.
  • Keeping control and independence
  • Uncertainty about or reluctance to engage in treatment.
  • Reducing or removing any psychological causes of physical health problems
  • Deterioration of close relationships due to worsening breathing condition.
  • Difficulty with adjustment to the medical diagnosis and/or ongoing impact of the breathing condition (e.g. sense of loss and identity, end of life difficulties).
  • Traumatic hospital experiences