Information for Bereaved Families & Friends

Medical examiners are part of a national network of specifically trained independent senior doctors (from any specialty). The team consists of Medical examiners that include local GPs and Senior Hospital Doctors and are supported by trained Medical examiner officers (MEO).

From 9 September 2024 when the statutory legislation comes in to effect all non-coronial deaths in Calderdale and Greater Huddersfield will be independently reviewed by a Medical Examiner.

The Medical Examiner is:

•    Independent, has no prior knowledge of the patient.
•    Experienced, senior doctor.     
•    Able to review clinical records including any diagnostic information.
•    Able to communicate effectively and interact with the bereaved. 
•    Trained by the Royal College of Pathologists.

They also ensure:

•    Appropriate referrals to the coroner.
•    Accuracy and consistency of the Medical Certificate of Cause of Death (MCCD). 
•    Early detection of clinical governance concerns.

The ME service is not accountable to the hospital trust but is accountable to their professional regulatory body and the regional and national ME service. 

Our service is overseen by Dr Tim Jackson (Lead Medical Examiner), Mr Graham Cooper (Regional Medical Examiner) and Dr Alan Fletcher (National Medical Examiner).

Our office hours are: Monday to Friday 8am - 5pm 

Weekend / Bank Holidays out of hours for faith deaths is

Our office contact numbers are: 01484 356930 / 01484 356931



What should I expect from the Medical Examiner's Office after a death?

The Medical Examiner is an independent senior doctor not involved in your relative’s / loved one’s care, who reviews the medical record to understand the circumstances around the cause of death.

In the majority of cases: once the cause of death has been discussed and agreed with the clinical team who cared for your relative, the MCCD (medical certificate of cause of death) can be issued. The Medical Examiner (ME) or Medical Examiner’s Officer (MEO) will contact you to discuss if you have any comments or concerns about your relative’s care and will have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have they will also discuss the cause of death.

If the Medical Examiner is unable to answer your questions immediately, they will advise you regarding sources of additional support or information.

When the MCCD is issued, it will be scanned and emailed to the Register Office of Halifax or Huddersfield (depending on where the death is due to be registered).

In a minority of cases: deaths need to be referred to the West Yorshire HM Coroner's Court which is based in Bradford. If the coroner is involved, the clinicians will not be able to issue an MCCD unless the HM Coroner authorises it. More information and contact details are available here: LINK The Coroners Office and inquests | Bradford Council


What are the benefits of medical examiners?

Evidence from the pilot schemes which started in 2008 has demonstrated a number of benefits:

  • Improved accuracy of death certification. Medical examiners advised on the best wording to explain the cause of death accurately and with the detail needed.
  • Helped avoid unnecessary distress for families by listening to concerns and providing reassurance to the next of kin that can result from unanswered questions about the cause of death. Bereavement support groups involved in the pilots were universally supportive and the medical examiner service was valued by families.
  • Families felt reassured after consulting the medical examiner about the language used on the death certificate as they often found the medical terminology difficult to understand.
  • Identified trends in unexpected causes of death. For example, medical examiners triggered investigations that identified problems with post-operative infections.
  • Ensured that the right deaths were referred to a coroner for further investigation. When the certifying doctor was unsure of the need for coronial referral, a discussion with the medical examiner normally clarified the position.
  • Close working relations between medical examiners and the local coroner’s office were established in all the pilots. Coroners welcomed the improved quality of medical information they received.
  • Helped foster more openness in the NHS as health professionals who raised concerns felt supported knowing that they were protected by the authority and independence of the medical examiner.