How to take and prepare MOVIPREP

To ensure a thorough examination of your colon it must be emptied of waste material as your Endoscopist needs clear views of the lining of your digestive tract to enable detection of subtle abnormalities.

The Moviprep bowel preparation is a strong laxative which will empty your bowel of waste material. It is important that you follow these instructions correctly.

If you are not properly prepared the procedure may not be successful and may even result in the cancellation of the procedure.

While taking any bowel preparation we would encourage you to stay near a toilet.

We recommend you use a barrier cream and wet wipes for your comfort.

If you are having an OGD and a colonoscopy at the same appointment please do not drink anything for 4 hours prior to your appointment.

This video explains how to take Moviprep when having a morning procedure.


This video explains how to take Moviprep when having an afternoon procedure.

How to prepare for MOVIPREP

What to Expect

Side effects: you may experience stomach cramping – this is normal. It is also normal to feel some nausea. If you begin to vomit, please contact your Endoscopy Department for further advice