Contact us

If you want to discuss any aspect of your endoscopy experience including any concerns relating to your care then please don't hesitate to contact us.  We are available from 7.45am - 5.30pm Monday to Friday

Huddersfield Royal Infirmary Endoscopy Unit:  01484 355868

Calderdale Royal Hospital Endoscopy Unit: 01422 223920

After your procedure 

If you experience any problems or symptoms after your procedure, from 8.30am to 5pm please telephone the endoscopy unit in which you had the procedure for further advice:

Huddersfield Royal Infirmary Endoscopy Unit:  01484 355868

Calderdale Royal Hospital Endoscopy Unit: 01422 223920

Out of hours please leave a message on any of these numbers or alternatively contact your GP, 111 or A&E if it is an emergency.