iHOPE (Help Overcoming Problems Effectively)

What is the Macmillan iHOPE programme?

iHOPE is Macmillan’s online self-management programme (‘Help Overcoming Problems Effectively’) which empowers people living with cancer to manage their health and wellbeing. The course is based on positive psychology, mindfulness and cognitive behavioural therapy.

Who can participate on the iHOPE programme?

The course is designed for anyone who’s had a cancer diagnosis, whether your cancer treatment finished some time ago or you are currently receiving it.

How can iHOPE help people?

iHOPE provides people living with or after a cancer diagnosis with the knowledge, skills and confidence to cope with many of life’s challenges, frustrations, fears and isolation.

The programme enables people to recognise their own potential, increase ability to cope and improve resilience to enhance quality of life. It builds skills to feel more confident in dealing with anger, depression and uncertainty and increase ability to handle stressful situations. It provides knowledge of relaxation methods to refresh the mind and body and shows how to make plans and achieve goals.

iHOPE aims to teach you how to become more relaxed, improve your confidence in setting positive goals, learn stress and fatigue management skills and explore any worries you experience when dealing with cancer.

About the iHOPE programme

iHOPE is a free 6-week online programme. The course is based on positive psychology, mindfulness and cognitive behavioural therapy. Each week the course covers topics like:

  • smarter goal setting
  • priorities and values
  • living positively with fears for the future
  • building character strengths
  • physical activity
  • eating well
  • managing stress
  • coping with fatigue

It includes quizzes, worksheets, audio and video materials, interactive gratitude and goal setting and social networking via online forums. You can do the course on your PC, laptop, tablet or smartphone.

The course is facilitated by trained facilitators and health professionals who themselves have an experience of living with cancer.

iHOPE will take around 3 hours each week for the six week period of the course.

This will include up to 2 hours to complete each weekly session by yourself, which you can complete at any time which is convenient to you.

Our next iHOPE course dates will held over Microsoft Teams 2pm - 3pm on:

10th April 2024 - 22nd May 2024

5th November 2024 - 17th December 2024

What some patients said about previous iHOPE latest courses

“I was a little sceptical about taking part in the course to begin with, I’m unsure why. However, I am so glad I made the decision to take part. It has given me lots of strategies and tools to use and a different way to look at certain situations. Everyone in the group has been so supportive of each other.”

“In my opinion, the weekly online group was a major factor in helping me to complete the iHope course and benefit from it. Sharing experiences and feelings with others made me feel as if I was not alone.”

“Thank you so much for facilitating the iHope course. I have really enjoyed doing it and learnt a lot. I especially think that the weekly Microsoft Team meetings we had to talk about our progress and keep in touch with one another, were very beneficial.”

“I just want to thank you for allowing me to do the course. I found each week incredibly thought provoking, and I have made copious notes, which I have been re-reading. I found the parts on unhelpful thinking especially pertinent. What a very clever course - I have so much more understanding of my thought process now, and a load of strategies to use.” “Dad (and myself) found the iHope course very beneficial and got a lot out of it and he now has a more positive outlook on life because of it.”

David talks about his experience of joining a recent iHOPE course

How do I book a place?

iHOPE is being run virtually by the Macmillan Information and Support Service in Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Trust, so please contact the team on 01484 343614 or 01422 222709 or email cancer.information@nhs.net to book a place.

You will need to provide your name, DoB and contact details, including an email address. You will also be asked to complete a consent form before joining a group appointment.

Please click here for a flyer on Macmillan’s iHOPE Programme

We will look forward to supporting you and would welcome you on our iHOPE course.