Membership of CHFT

What is it?

  • Since 2006 CHFT has been a Foundation Trust – this means we have to take into account what people want from our services and find out what people think of them
  • Having members is one way of doing this as it strengthens our links with people who might use our services or have a view on them, making us more locally accountable
  • We have public members and staff members (employees of CHFT are automatically signed up as staff members when they start their job with us)

Can I be a member?

  • Yes! You just need to be over 16 years old
  • It doesn’t matter where you live – you just need to have an interest in CHFT

What's in it for me?

  • Get discounts at local and national retailers through Healthcare Staff Benefits or Health Service Discounts by clicking on the links below.      


  • Have your say in improving and shaping hospital services in Calderdale and Huddersfield and community services in Calderdale
  • Get regular newsletters and e-mail updates about developments and future plans at CHFT
  • Attend meetings of CHFT’s Council of Governors (see Council of Governors section)
  • Stand for election as a CHFT Governor
  • Carry out inspections of our clinical areas

Click on this link to see the most recent edition of our members' newsletter, Foundation News

What would I have to do?

  • You choose – there’s no obligation or time commitment – and we will let you know what opportunities there are for you to get involved.

How do I join?

I need more information – what should I do?