Executive Summary
"The Trust has demonstrated rapid progress on the digital maturity"

Our Digital Journey
This 5-year Digital strategy will take us beyond clinical systems we have the ambition to ensure all our workforce and the processes used by them are digitally enabled.
In 2012 the Trust developed a Digital clinical systems strategy and high-level plan that described how the Trust planned to use technology to fundamentally change the way it delivers its services, with an emphasis on improving the quality and safety of patient care. In February 2015, CHFT in partnership with Bradford Teaching Hospital Foundation Trust successfully deployed a single instance of the Cerner Millennium EPR across well over a third of the population of the West Yorkshire & Harrogate Health and Care Partnership footprint. The programme was labelled as one of the biggest and broadest Big Bang deployments in Europe. The EPR is stabilised however there is more to do before the trust can truly deliver a robust fully interoperable EPR used by patients and clinicians alike.
There are many internal and external factors that will drive change. We intend to continually develop and implement new technologies. Consideration will be given to the NHS publications, strategies and programmes as part of the overall strategy. Putting the patient at the heart of everything we do.
Business intelligence and Data capture will advocate organisation wide coverage adopting principles that will focus on “getting it right first time”. The Knowledge Portal will continue to drive the standard requirement of as much information as possible.
The level of investment needs to ensure our infrastructure remains resilient, current and future proof. The investment plan will need to align with the use of resources framework set out by the CQC in ensuring the Trust is using its resources to provide high quality, efficient and sustainable care. CHFTs strategic objective is that they will achieve a CQC rating of outstanding, building the ability to horizon scan and establishing how emerging technologies can benefit and be introduced into CHFT will be fundamental to this.