National and Regional Context
National Context
There are many internal and external factors that will drive change. These will require us to continually develop and implement new technologies. Consideration will be given to the following publications/organisations as part of the strategy.
"We have a vision to create a regionwide efficient healthcare system"
NHS Long Term Plan
The NHS long term plan was published in January 2019. The plan describes the NHS ambitions over the next ten years to ensure the NHS is fit for the future the plan describes the improvements to be delivered in the following key areas:
- Improving out-of-hospital care (primary and community services).
- Strengthening the NHS contribution to prevention and reducing health inequalities.
- Reducing pressure on emergency hospital services
- Delivering person-centred care.
- Delivering digitally enabled primary and outpatient care
- Focusing on population health and local partnerships with Integrated Care. Systems having a central role in the delivery of the Plan
NHSX is a new joint organisation for digital, data and technology it has been formed to drive digital standards that will digitally enable the NHS Long Term Plan.

Partnership Working
Electronic Patient Record (EPR)
At a more local level in January 2018 Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust and Bradford Teaching Hospitals Foundation Trust developed a proposal that described a shared vision that described the next phase following the deployment of the single instance. The proposal set out the basis for a strategic partnership agreement with Cerner UK. The strategic partnership is founded on:
- A shared EPR Objective -The primary case for an EPR is to improve patient safety, improve outcomes and improve the experience our patients.”
- A shared strategic objective of being fully digital.
- Proven success of a single instance deployed between two Trusts that can host other Trusts.
- Both Trusts’ interest in a strategic relationship to progress their digital ambitions.
The Trusts proposed a multi-stream approach whereby progress is made in parallel on each workstream to achieve benefits at pace. Each Trust would benefit from the other’s Trust leadership in the work stream from design through implementation.
This confirmed CHFTs ambition to lead on 0ptimisation - Usability & Digital Breadth and BTHFT to lead on the Quality Improvement that supports teaching and research and Population Health.

The Topol Review 2019
The Topol review is an overarching review that provides a focus on developing and enabling our staff to be prepared for the digital developments in the NHS. It acknowledges that the healthcare workforce needs expertise and guidance to evaluate new technologies that the adoption of new technologies should enable staff to gain more time to care, promoting deeper interaction with patients. Patients need to be included as partners and informed about health technologies, ensuring the use of technology is equitable and does not reinforce inequalities
NHS Digital Strategy 2015 - 2020
The strategy describes how by 2020 all the citizens who want it will have access to national and local data and technology services that will enable them to see and manage their own records, undertake a wide range of transactions with care providers and increasingly manage their own healthcare. At the same time clinicians will have access to the right information when they need it, where they need it.
Regional Context
West Yorkshire and Harrogate Integrated Care System (WY&HICS)
The Trust is a member of the West Yorkshire and Harrogate Health and Care Partnership Integrated Care system (ICS). This is the second largest ICS in the country covering a population of 2.6 million people and a budget of over £5 billion. The purpose of the partnership is to deliver the best possible health and care for everyone living in the areas of, Calderdale; Kirklees; Bradford District and Craven; Leeds; Wakefield; Harrogate. The Partnership is made up of care providers, commissioners, voluntary organisations and Councils working closely together to plan health and care. With a Vision to create a regionwide efficient health care system that embraces the late thinking and best practice, we want to bring together patient information systems and clinical and social care systems providing health care professionals and other supporting our patients with a full picture of their care pathway many of which will be underpinned by this digital technologies.
The programme has been launched across WYAAT working in collaboration with Leeds to share and implement best practice. Scan4Safey is attempting to harness global standards to increase quality and improve efficiencies its core aims are to ensure that the - Right Patient, Right Product, Right Place, Right Process.
This is underpinned by GS1 standards, which provides a consistent data structure for the identification of patent, products and places and the use of barcodes to scan and record the whereabouts of these inputs to patient care.
Local Healthcare Record Exemplar (LHCRE)
This is a national initiative that aims to build information sharing environments across the NHS. The Yorkshire and Humber Health Care Record (YHCR) is being developed as part of the programme building on some of the principles published in the WATCHER Review on interoperability and data sharing