Financial Support for People affected by cancer - information for patients and carers
Clinical Nurse Specialists and the Multi-disciplinary Team
Exercises after breast cancer surgery
Reducing the…
Being asked to attend a breast clinic appointment
Your GP may refer you to a breast clinic if you have a symptom or breast change that needs…
Specialist palliative care (SPC) professionals are involved in a person’s management when a person’s needs cannot be fully met by the treating team, either in hospital or in community. They can…
Experts by Experience and Patient Safety Partners
We are seeking volunteers to join our Trust to strengthen how we can hear and use your feedback. These volunteers will be known as Experts by…
Brendan Brown - Chief Executive
Brendan returned to CHFT in January 2022 following almost four years as Chief Executive at Airedale NHSFT alongside his role of System Partnership Lead for the…
Long-covid - information and other support in Calderdale and Kirklees
For some people, coronavirus (COVID-19) can cause symptoms that last weeks or months after the infection has gone. This is…
What is the Non Site Specific Service?
The Non Site Specific (NSS) Service is for people who have symptoms that are worrying and could be a cancer but are not typical of a specific cancer type. Some…
Board of Directors
Members of the Board and other staff classified as ‘decision-makers’ who are Band 7 or above are required to complete an annual declaration. Board members are also asked to…
The Research department is dedicated to supporting and furthering research within the Trust. We welcome enquires from researchers, patients and members of the public who would like advice or…
Dr Cheryl Fernandes - Rheumatology Consultant and Clinical Lead - General Rheumatology and Osteoporosis
Dr Fernandes joined the Trust in 2007. She trained in the West Yorkshire Rheumatology…
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