Early Pregnancy

How to register with a midwife

Simply click on this link and register with us online. Also check out the healthy pregnancy information to find out what you need to do straight away.Book your pregnancy - CHFT (cht.nhs.uk)

Antenatal Screening Tests

In early pregnancy you have choices and decisions to make about which blood tests and scans you want to have. Please download this leaflet and read it with your partner before you see a midwife: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/897412/STFYAYB_June_2020.pdf

What appointments will I have?

Once registered your first ‘booking’ appointment will be scheduled for around 8-10 weeks and from there your midwife will arrange your first scan. Find out more about what to expect: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/pregnancy-and-baby/antenatal-appointment-schedule/

Pregnancy sickness

Morning sickness is common and will not harm you or your baby so long as you can manage to drink some fluids. If you cannot tolerate any fluid and feel really ill contact your GP. This website is recommended by other mothers who have suffered with nausea throughout pregnancy / hyperemesis gravidarum and has some great tips for helping with nausea: https://www.pregnancysicknesssupport.org.uk/

Early pregnancy loss

Sadly about one in every four pregnancies ends in miscarriage, and this is never an easy experience. Other early pregnancy complications leading to baby loss are ectopic and molar pregnancies.  Sometimes the mother finds about this at their early scan, but other times they will have pain / bleeding in early pregnancy.

If you have any worrying symptoms contact your GP, Midwife or Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit for advice. If you’ve been affected by miscarriage, molar pregnancy or ectopic pregnancy, we hope this website will provide the information that you’re looking for. The Miscarriage Association: Pregnancy loss information and support