Patient information

What will happen at my first appointment?
The purpose of your first appointment is to get an understanding of the difficulties that led you to seek help and how these difficulties are affecting your life. We will also talk about what your priorities and goals are. The appointment will usually last for 1 hour. You are welcome to bring anyone else into the consultation if you want to include them in the discussion.

What happens next?
Sometimes, the first consultation can be helpful and sufficient to meet your needs. We will discuss with you whether we feel you would benefit from further sessions and you will be offered further sessions if this seems appropriate. Sometimes there will be other services that can better meet your needs and we will be able to direct or refer you to these services if appropriate. 

What happens with the information I share with you?
We will always do our best to ensure that the information you share remains confidential.  The notes we write are kept separately to your medical notes. We will write a brief summary of our understanding of your difficulties for the health professionals involved in your care and this would usually be written in a letter. We will discuss this with you in your first appointment. If we think that there is a risk of harm to you or others we would need to pass this information to somebody. We would always try to talk with you first.

Where will I be seen?
All appointments will be at the Greenlea Unit, Huddersfield Royal Infirmary. Your first appointment letter will tell you exactly where your first meeting will be held.

What should I do if I would like this help?
If you feel that you would benefit from this service, please talk to a member of your cancer team for example your consultant or clinical nurse specialist who can give you more information and make a referral if appropriate.