Services available to support you
We are the Macmillan Information and Support Service normally based on the Greenlea Oncology Unit at Huddersfield Royal Infirmary and at the Jayne Garforth Macmillan Unit at Calderdale Royal Hospital. We’re here to help everyone with cancer live life as fully as they can, providing practical, financial and emotional support. So whatever cancer throws your way, we’re right there with you.
We try to help ease the financial burden of cancer by referring onto our Macmillan Benefits Advisors, or applying for a Macmillan Grant. We help with practical support such as a Blue Badge application and provide a listening ear, and signpost to support groups.
We try to help you navigate your way by providing the information and support that's right for you, at the appropriate time.
You can find out more about the support provided by our Macmillan Information and Support Service by following the links to the pages on our website which can be accessed here.
Other services
There are many other services which could support you and your family during your cancer experience.
Please expand each tab which provides links to a few key organisations, but please contact the Macmillan Information Service Team for further information or to be referred to other services such as social services support (referral to Gateway to Care), counselling, bereavement, children’s support etc.
Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 0000

Open 7 days per week, 8am until 8pm
Provides information, and emotional support/a listening ear
Has financial advisors who can help answer questions about benefits, mortgages, wills, pensions, debt, insurance and other financial advice.
The Macmillan website also has a huge range of information on many topics, including helpful videos.
Alternatively click here to go to our Macmillan information and support page.
Carers support

Two excellent organisations that provide information and support for carers:
Carers Count – Kirklees
Telephone: 0300 012 0231
Calderdale Carers
Telephone: 01422 369101 during office hours
Day Hospice Drop In/Support and Therapy Sessions
Support sessions for people living with incurable conditions and their families. Sessions aim to promote a sense of well-being and a positive approach to living with illness. Group sessions, coffee and chat, complementary therapies, carers support groups.
Kirkwood Hospice
The Kirkwood offers advice and support for anyone in Kirklees living with or supporting someone with Life Limiting illness.
You can self-refer by phoning Connect with The Kirkwood on 01484557910
They run well being sessions across Kirklees, find out more by visiting their website or calling them.
Overgate Hospice
Every Thursday, 10am until 4pm.
Contact the Day Hospice Team on 01422 379151
Social Prescribing Services
Reduce isolation and loneliness by linking people into activities in their community which they enjoy.
Staying Well in Calderdale
Staying Well Admin, 87 Turner Avenue South, Illingworth, Halifax, HX2 8EF
Kirklees social prescribing is available to patients of all ages and an appointment can be booked via your GP surgery.
You can also find out more about the service at
Exercise and wellbeing programmes with Kirklees and Calderdale Councils

To help increase your physical activity and receive advice on specific exercise and wellbeing information that is appropriate for you.
Support includes 1-1 interventions with Wellness Workers and Coaches and may include exercise, diet, weight management, reducing smoking/alcohol and some carers support.
The Kirklees Wellness Service (KWS)
You can contact the team via email or write to them at Kirklees Wellness Service, Civic Centre 1, High Street, Huddersfield, HD1 2NF.
The Macmillan Information Service, your GP or your Clinical Nurse Specialist can make a referral or you can self-refer online here, the link also has some useful relaxation and breathing exercises.
Better Living Service
This service is available in Calderdale who deliver the ‘Active Calderdale Physical Activity Programme.’
Telephone 01422 230230 to self-refer or email
Sign up through the Better Living Service website here or clinicians can refer using the portal, by email or by phone 01422 230230.
University of Huddersfield
They have exercise classes for breast cancer patients and plan to develop these into a general women’s’ and men’s’ classes for anyone affected by cancer.
Current exercise classes for breast patients – run on Monday 11-12pm & Wednesday 1-2pm @ the University of Huddersfield. Contact Kevin Kipling at the University of Huddersfield to find out about the classes – both current breast classes and other generic classes.
Tel: 01484 473834 Email:
Additional information
Please click here to access the Macmillan concerns checklist.
If you have have a question for the First Steps team please submit it on the form below
Please note, if your question needs an urgent response you should contact your clinical team directly.
The First Steps team aim to respond to your question within a few days. Please bear in mind the information team's working days are Monday to Friday. Any questions submitted may be used anonymously as part of the frequently asked question section of the First Steps website.