Should you have any problems with your hearing aid please contact the deprtment on 01484 343500, or fill in the form…
We are the Audiology team at Calderdale and Huddersfield Foundation Trust. we provide Audiological assessments and rehabilitation for both adults and children. The audiology department comprises…
The Information Commissioner
The Information Commissioner is an independent public body and reports directly to Parliament. The Commissioner is responsible for implementing the Act.
“Together we will deliver outstanding compassionate care to the communities we serve.”
That is the Trust’s vision and the pledge that binds everyone who works here.
Backing this up are the…
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Next Event
Saturday 26 April 2025
10am til 12 noon
Venue: Huddersfield Royal Infirmary, Learning Centre, Sub…
1. What is Bariatric Surgery and how does it help weight loss?
Weight loss surgery, can also be called bariatric or metabolic surgery. It is sometimes used as a treatment for people who are very…
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"The pathway is…
One Anastamosis Gastric Bypass (OAGB/Mini Bypass)
The OAGB is s a procedure to create a pouch (longer pouch than the RYGB) to reduce the size of your stomach. It works by decreasing the amount of…
Support to stop smoking - Calderdale
Calderdale Council's Better Living Service offer advice and support here.
Yorkshire Smokefree also offer a range of medications and face…
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