Sensory Awakenings
Multi Professional Sensory Awakenings in Communication Course

Are you communicating with and assessing patients? Do you participate in handover to others as part of your role?
Are you aware of how your five senses can enhance your perception and interpretation of the information offered?
Do you listen to hear?
Do you look and listen?
This course is around heightening your awareness in using your senses when making assessments and decision making.
This is a four hour course offering practical skills learning and clinical reasoning.
The Five Senses.
1. Sight: I see with my eyes.
2. hearing: I hear with my ears.
3. Taste: I taste with my mouth.
4. Smell: I smell with my nose.
5. Touch: I touch with my Hand.
Courses will alternate across sites free to trust staff and £65 to external delegates
9.00am Welcome and Coffee
9.10 Introduction to Egan’s SOLER
9.30 am Exercise –Visual Impairment
10.00am Exercise - Audio
10.30-11.00am Coffee
11.00 Exercise- Oxygen and Nutrition
11.30 Exercise- Tactile
Date | Venue |
Weds 1ST February 9-12.30am | Small Training room L & D Centre CRH |
Weds 29th March 9-12.30am | Medium Training room L & D Centre CRH |
Weds 3rd May 9-12.30am | Small Training room L & D Centre CRH |
Weds 14th June 9-12.30am | Small Training room L & D Centre CRH |
Weds 16th August 9-12.30am | Small Training room L & D Centre CRH |
Weds 25th October 9-12.30am | Small Training room L & D Centre CRH |
Weds 15th November 9-12.30am | Small Training room L & D Centre CRH |
Weds 20th December 9-12.30am | Small Training room L & D Centre CRH |
Contact the Team :
Tel: 01422 224316