Waiting list review

As part of a national initiative commissioned by NHS England, we are undertaking a review of all patients on our waiting list that are waiting for outpatient appointments and procedures/surgical treatments. This review is in response to the Coronavirus pandemic, which led to the postponement of some non-emergency care and meant that our waiting lists grew as a result.
This involves contacting our patients by text which will contain a unique link to an online questionnaire asking for some further information. This is about whether you would like to remain on the waiting list or no longer wish to go ahead with your appointment or treatment.
If you are on a waiting list, you will be contacted directly and asked if you still wish to go ahead with treatment. If you do not respond, or respond to say you still want treatment, you will remain on the waiting list.
If you tell us you no longer wish to receive treatment, you will be removed from the waiting list and discharged. This will be followed up with a confirmation letter. If you change your mind within two weeks we will add you back on to the waiting list.
Our clinical teams have reviewed our waiting lists to ensure that patients with the greatest need are treated first. We now need to confirm the information that we hold by contacting patients to understand if there are any changes in their circumstances and if they wish to remain on our waiting list for their outpatient appointment or procedure/surgical treatment.
By reviewing our waiting list and gathering this information, we can ensure that we understand the requirements of our patients whilst also prioritising care for our most clinically-urgent patients.
Please note that if you are on more than one waiting list you may receive a communication from us more than once. It is important that you check which waiting list the communication is referring to and respond to each one separately.