- About us
- Board of Directors
- Coronavirus - guidance and patient information
- Calderdale and Huddersfield Solutions Ltd
- Inclusivity at CHFT
- Foundations for our Future
- Membership and the Council of Governors
- Open and honest care
- Organ donation
- Organisational Structure
- Our Green Plan and Sustainability
- CHFT Charity
- Our Vision, Values and Behaviours
- Patient Experience and Involvement
- Quality Account
- Single Sex accommodation compliance
- Smoke free CHFT
- Working with our West Yorkshire partners
- Visiting
- Patient Portal
- Patients and Visitors
- Bedside entertainment and communications systems
- Chaplaincy
- Clinical Assessment Service (CAS)
- Data opt-out
- Digital Consent
- Finding us and car parking
- Friends and Family Test
- Getting an appointment
- Identifying our ward staff
- Inpatient guide
- Letter to a Loved One
- Our hospitals
- Our safeguarding pledge and information
- Outpatient appointments
- Outpatient guide
- Overseas visitors
- Patient Portal
- Patient Initiated Follow Up (PIFU)
- Phones and WiFi
- Preparing for discharge
- Privacy Notice
- Shops and other services
- Support for unpaid carers
- Unplanned admissions
- Video Appointments
- Visiting, staying in touch & dropping off personal items
- Waiting list review
- Your Remote Telephone Appointment
- Your rights whilst in our care
- Services
- Do you really need A&E?
- Clinical Services
- AAA Screening
- Accident & Emergency
- Anaesthesia
- Audiology
- Bariatric Surgery
- Bladder & Bowel Service (Adults & Children)- Calderdale
- Blood Testing
- Bowel Cancer Screening
- Bowel Dysfunction
- Breast care services
- Calderdale Cardiac Rehabilitation and Heart Failure Team
- Calderdale & Greater Huddersfield Child Health records departments
- Cardiology
- Chemotherapy & Haematology services
- Childhood Wetting (Paediatric Enuresis)
- Children & Young People’s Services
- Children’s Community Nursing Team
- Children's Therapy Services
- Child & adolescent mental health
- Clinical Health Psychology
- Community Diagnostic Centres
- Community Healthcare
- Community Matrons
- Community Rehabilitation services
- Critical Care Outreach Team
- Day Surgery
- Dermatology
- Diabetes
- District nurses Calderdale
- Endoscopy
- Patient Feedback
- Meet the Team
- Easy read leaflets
- General appointment information
- Capsule Endoscopy
- Colonoscopy
- Bronchoscopy
- Oesophageal Stent
- Endobronchial Ultrasound (EBUS)
- Transnasal endoscopy
- ERCP (Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangio Pancreatography)
- Flexible Cystoscopy
- Flexible sigmoidoscopy
- Gastroscopy (OGD) Oesophago-gastroduodenoscopy
- Contact us
- Bowel preparation for Colonoscopy or Sigmoidoscopy
- Discharge information
- Guidance for patients with diabetes
- Medication
- Disease and disorders
- Enhanced Recovery After Surgery
- Falls prevention service
- Fertility Service and Assisted Conception Unit
- Gastroenterology
- Gynaecology
- HIV service
- Haematology
- Hysteroscopy
- In-patient Rehabilitation
- Infection Prevention and Control
- Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
- Intensive Care
- Learning Disabilities
- Lymphoedema
- Maternity Services
- Book your pregnancy
- What's on - Maternity courses
- Maternity Contacts
- #AlwaysAsk
- Smokefree Pregnancy
- Planning a pregnancy
- Your pregnancy
- Getting ready for baby's arrival
- Birth and beyond
- Covid-19 and pregnancy
- Maternity Visiting Arrangements
- Baby Friendly/ATAIN
- Help and support
- Wards and Services
- Help us to improve
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Neonatal Unit
- Neurology
- Neurophysiology
- Contact Us
- Map and Car Park information
- Easy Read Leaflets
- 24 hour Ambulatory EEG
- Routine EEG
- Sleep deprived EEG - Adult (no sedation)
- Sleep deprived EEG - Adult with sedation
- Sleep deprived EEG - Child (no sedation)
- Sleep deprived EEG - Child with sedation
- Sam's Brainwave Test (EEG Paeds Info Booklet)
- Multi-Sleep Latency Test (MSLT) (download sleep diary)
- Sleep Diary
- EMG (Electromyography)
- NCS/CTS (Carpal Tunnel Syndrome)
- Somato-sensory Evoked Potentials
- PERG (Pattern Electro-retinography)
- Visual Evoked potentials VEP
- Useful Links
- Nutrition and Dietetic
- Oncology/Cancer Services
- National Cancer Patient Experience Survey
- Neuroendocrine Tumour (NET)
- Holistic Needs Assessments (HNA)
- Breast Cancer Services
- Colorectal (Bowel) Cancer Services
- Gynaecology Cancer Services
- Haematology Cancer Services
- Head and Neck Cancer Services
- Lung Cancer Services
- Skin Cancer Services
- Upper Gastrointestinal (GI) Cancer Services
- Urology Cancer Services
- Chemotherapy Service
- Macmillan Information and Support
- Information and Support
- Non Site Specific Service
- Diagnostic and Treatment
- Cancer Psychological Services
- Cancer Care Reviews
- Cancer Registry
- Cancer Services Directory
- Clinical Research
- Children's Oncology
- Oncology Staff
- Specialist palliative care services
- Palliative Care Services (Specialist)
- Ophthalmology
- Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
- Orthopaedics
- Orthotics service
- Pain Services
- Palliative and End of Life Care
- Pathology
- Pharmacy and Dispensing
- Physiotherapy - Outpatients
- Podiatry Services
- Preoperative Assessment
- Pulmonary Rehabilitation
- Radiology
- Rapid Response-Intermediate Care
- Rapid Response Team
- Respiratory Medicine
- Rheumatology
- Semen testing (Andrology)
- Sexual Health & HIV Service
- Speech and Language Therapy Services
- Surgical Outpatients
- The childrens epilepsy services
- The Tuberculosis Service
- Tissue Viability information for patients and professionals
- Tissue Viability referrals
- Transition: Moving into adult care
- Urology
- Virtual Wards - hospital care at home
- Plastic Surgery Outpatients
- Non-Clinical Services
- Appointments & Health Records
- Calderdale Community Equipment Loan Store
- Chaplaincy
- Communications and Media
- e-Referral Services
- Eduroam
- Freedom of Information
- Hospital Radio
- Infection control
- Library and knowledge services
- Medical Examiner's Office
- Medical illustration
- Online Payments
- Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)/Complaints Team
- Pharmacy Manufacturing Unit
- Preparing for emergencies
- Research and Development
- Contact Research & Development
- Patients, Carers and the Public in Health Research
- Current Research
- Covid Research
- Information for Researchers
- Publications - Trust Involvement
- Performance in Initiating and Delivering (PID) Clinical Research
- The Secure Data Environment (SDE)
- General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
- Supported Self Management
- Doctors
- George Amin
- Jeena Ackroyd
- Qazi Ahmad
- Fraz Ahmed
- Khaled Al-Zwae
- Helen Armstrong
- Ranadeb Acharyya
- Roy Abraham
- Sudhi Ankarath
- William Ainslie
- Adeel Aqil
- Anneka Biswas
- Gavin Boyd
- Rituparna Banerjee
- Talal Bazaraa
- Frederick Bell
- Nisha Bhuskute
- Sumita Bhuiya
- Benjamin Brooke
- Victoria Briggs
- Nicholas Brown
- Nick Brown
- Jacqueline Brook
- Cristina Batz
- Jeremy Butts
- Karen Bartholomew
- Marcus Beadle
- Neeraj Bhasin
- Nicolas Bryan
- Nikhil Bhuskute
- Pedro Ballester
- Robert Birkinshaw
- Timothy Bloomer
- Vijay Bangar
- Simon Charlett
- Susan Crossland
- Gautam Chakrabarty
- Abhijit Chakraborty
- Cheng Choy
- Jonathan Cowley
- Yi Ling Chan
- Badr Dafalla
- Thomas Davies
- Victoria Deans
- Jo Dent
- Simon Dennis
- Purav Desai
- Indra Dias
- Brian Dobbins
- Purav Desai
- Pravin Dandegaonkar
- Amer Elbaba
- Mohamed Elnagger
- Talal Ezzo
- Ziad Estephan
- Cheryl Fernandes
- Simon Fogerty
- Maneh Farazmand
- Sylvia Feyler
- Lesley Green
- Muhammad Ghumro
- Tamsyn Grey
- Simon Gonsalves
- Jonathan Garside
- Julie Goddard
- Sarah Gurney
- Simon Grant
- Werbena Hamilton-Burke
- Andrew Hardy
- Safirul Haque
- Alexander Hashimi
- Haliza Haniff
- David Hindle
- Ursullai Hofmann
- Kay Hollingworth
- Marianna How Yaw
- Elizabeth Higgs
- Peter Hall
- Peter Hutchings
- Sarah Hoye
- Stephen Hill
- Svilen Hrelev
- Rebecca Isles
- David Ilsley
- Aamer Iftikhar
- Tim Jackson
- Manika Jayawardena
- Martin Jones
- Susan Jones
- Nikitin Karandikar
- Julie Kyaw-Tun
- Manohar Kini
- Paul Knight
- Ramanathan Kandasamy
- Rangaprasad Karadi
- Richard Knights
- Sarah Knight
- Sanjay Kumar
- Vidya Kumaraswamy
- Andrew Lockey
- Chi Lok
- Khine Lwin
- Ruby Lagnado
- Abdul Shame Mattara
- Alistair Morris
- Chamika Mapatuna
- Amy Mayor
- Tim McWilliams
- Dipan Mistry
- Muhammad Mirza
- Michael Moncreiff
- Walied Mowafi
- Anver Mahomed
- Aris Makris
- Bob Metcalf
- Huw Masson
- Rajesh Menon
- Rob Moisey
- Michael Munro
- Ali Mustaffa
- Rehan Naseer
- Tahira Naeem
- Shalini Nandish
- Vijay Nadella
- Shital Nagtode
- Anand Nair
- Siva Namasivayam
- Rehan Naseer
- John Naylor
- Vivek Nayak
- Zhuxiang Nie
- Shalini Nandish
- Jayne Oates
- Edwin Omih
- Gbemi Oworu
- Carpi Olali
- Stephen Oxberry
- Pamela Ohadike
- Nwe Oo
- Ahmad Orabi
- Julie O'Riordan
- Sally Osborn
- Nalinda Panditaratne
- Duncan Parry
- Karnesh Patel
- Neil Pennington
- Jeremy Pinnell
- Rohith Puthan Veettil
- Raju Puttaswamy
- Amanda Pine
- James Parker
- Gillian Parry
- Heshan Panditaratne
- Syed Raza Zaidi
- Anu Rajgopal
- Rubina Rahman
- Emma Rathbone
- Omar Rafiq
- Monica Rap
- Susmita Ray
- Roger Rushambuza
- Shaheedur Rahman
- Jawahar Sarin
- Barabara Schofield
- Manonmani Segodan
- Omer Sharif
- Daniel Smith
- Sandeep Singh
- Pratap Singh Rana
- Khalid Rashid
- Karol Rogawski
- Kate Rothwell
- Catherine Rourke
- Catherine Roberts
- Wunna Swe
- Arin Saha
- Mohammad Saquib
- Mark Peter
- Veeran Subramaniam
- Fifydani Shamsudin
- Rachel Sheils
- Sameh Sidhom
- Sunil Sonwalkar
- Simon Sturdee
- Shrilay Sinha
- Adrian Smith
- Nicholas Scriven
- Narinder Sharma
- Monika Stankiewicz-Malawska
- Mahmoud Sarhan
- Lindsay Short
- Karin Schwarz
- Gudrun Seebass
- Graham Smelt
- Gill Sharpe
- Emma Street
- Asim Siddiqui
- Aneil Shenolikar
- Matthew Taylor
- Susan Townend
- Venkat Thiyagesh
- Shakunthala Thimmaiah
- Lynne Terrett
- Steven Thomas
- Sree Tumula
- Shwe Tun
- Sal Uka
- Vimalkath Umakanthan
- Konstantinos Varytimiadis
- Ashwin Verma
- Deivasikamani Ramanujam Venkatachala
- Chalam Viswanathan
- Karthik Viswanathan
- Alison Waterworth
- Edward Walker
- Matthew Williams
- Julian Winter
- Susan Wilkinson
- Graham Walsh
- Gareth Wells
- Colin Welsh
- Natasha Westbrook
- Magdalena Wislocka-Kryjak
- Mia Wolozinsky
- Gemma Woodward
- Agnieszka Wozniak
- Mental Health Services
- Working for us
- Joining CHFT
- Nursing and Midwifery - Our Ambitions 2022-2029
- Vacancies
- About the Trust
- Accessing Employee Staff Records (ESR) from home
- Careers Events
- Colleague Publications
- Library & Knowledge Services
- Our plans and strategies
- Shuttle bus and Park and Ride service
- Workforce Benefits service
- Publications
- Annual Reports and Annual Members' Meeting
- Board of Directors Meeting Dates and Papers
- Trust Governance Documents
- Declaration of Interests
- Estates reports
- Our Strategic Plans
- Formulary
- Freedom of Information (FOI)
- Full Business case
- Gender Pay Gap Reporting
- Patient Safety Incident Response Plan
- Publications by our local partnerships
- Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking
- NHS Provider Licence - G6
- Patient Advice and Complaints Service
- Spend Over 25k
- Latest News
- Contact us
- Feeling unwell?